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We do a financial management performance assessment to see whether your current practice is supporting your business to grow strategically. Our assessment frameworks are well enriched over the years through practical experience in business.


We examine your financial planning and budgeting practices, the flow of financial information for internal decision makings, the quality and timeliness of financial infromation, the internal control systems in place, compliance system in place for internal and external rules, efficient and strategic use of financial resources, staff capacity and management practices in the use of financial and related information for decision making purposes.


Following assessments, we provide solutions.

Structure &
Talent Management

We believe in a participatory approach. Our experts assist you to redesign your organizational structure in line with your strategic plan for an optimum staff size, departmental linkages, staff positioning.


Our extended services include job analysis and grading, salary scale development, job description design.


We assess staff capacity development needs and design development plan in line with the strategic objectives of your business.

Procurement &

Business profitability is determined largely on our capability in production (procurement) and marketing capability. Our procurement capability (or production capability) should be configured in line with our marketing capability, considering our target market.


We can be successful if we can stand out from the crowd. We support our clients to clearly define their businesses which makes them different from the millions.

Years Of

Focus On Business

We do a one stop and one window solutions to your business requirements. We do outsourcing, business advisory services, ERP and small business software implementation and many more.

Target Operates in Multiple Sectors
Solutions For All

Perfect for all in one services

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